3 Great Ways to Travel Australia


Australia remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. As the biggest “island” having an entire continent to itself, the Aussies sure have it all. Gold sand beaches, ultra modern cities, spectacular mountain ranges, The Great Barrier Reef and of course the outback. A 2 or 3 week holiday simply aren’t enough to see this vast country and choosing your mode of travel is as important as the places you choose to visit.With Australia being such a big place you will often need to cover vast distances which can be both expensive and time consuming. Here are the 3 best was to travel Australia:1. By Air
There is a great network of internal flights and you can reach almost any major city every 2 hours. Be warned though – these aren’t short flights. Perth to Sydney is more than 4 hours and unless you book in advance it can be quite expensive. Quantas is the main carrier, but Virgin Blue and JetStar are 2 budget airlines that offer discount airfares.2. By Sea
Being an island, you can reach virtually any of the major cities via the coastline. There are tons of cruises that operate all along the coastline and Sydney is famous for its international terminal in Circular Quay. Private boat charters is also a great option for those who want to splash out and you can even hire a yacht to make your own way. Even if you just do short trips in the Great Barrier Reef – make sure you explore Aus by sea.3. By Road
Although it’s a big place, there is nothing like a road trip through Australia. Seeing the countryside and exploring all the small towns is where the real charm of rural Australia can be found. Getting a camper van is a great option and although its “slow” its very economical.

The Best of Patti Page: 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection


12 of Patti’s biggest, original Mercury hits! Includes The Tennessee Waltz; (How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window; I Went to Your Wedding; Let Me Go, Lover!; Allegheny Moon; Old Cape Cod; Mockin’ Bird Hill; Detour; Why Don’t You Believe Me?; Mister and Mississippi; Cross over the Bridge , and Changing Partners.
Click to see

The Role of Computers in Modern Hospitals


Modern hospitals make heavy use of computers. From the personal computer at reception to the computers inside many pieces of medical equipment, a modern IT school or any reasonable healthcare courses have to step in to make sure medical professionals know how to correctly operate and maintain the computers that are part of a medical career.The first computers were being integrated into hospitals starting in the sixties. These computers were in the form of giant machines that had little use other than mathematical calculation and data processing. Nonetheless, American researchers saw their value and they appeared in hospital research labs.Today, computer use in hospitals has been linked to lower patient mortality rates. There are a number of reasons for that. Firstly, medical monitoring equipment usually features a computer and may be attached to a hospital-wide network, allowing for fast responses to a change in patient condition. Additionally, computers are used as a part of diagnostics, and increases in computational power leads to faster discovery, which means faster treatments. Beyond that, better records mean better follow up.Despite the need to innovate, not all progress is fast. Because of budgets, well-funded or private hospitals are more likely to have the latest systems. Additionally, national regulations controlling the speed that a new discovery can be put into operation onto patients mean that many medical computers use out-dated operating systems. These have been well tested, and it’s no wonder that an IT school often includes backwards compatibility training, but age has some problems. Keeping medical machines free of viruses and malware is a challenge. Ancient operating systems may be reliable, but they’re often unsupported.Thankfully, unauthorized software that gets onto machines is seldom targeted at the machines themselves. It’s the usual range of spyware and backdoor access systems targeted at regular users that jump from machine to machine when they are attached to the hospital network. Nonetheless, this is one of the challenges to a fully computer integrated medical facility.On the other hand, healthcare courses usually make sure to give their students proper computer training, including computer security. For example, these days virtually every medical office assistant is a computer expert, when it comes to scheduling, filing and handling billing on a desktop computer. Hospitals still keep double records, both paper and electric, but electric records are almost always easier to access. Medical archivists also work extensively with both computers and paper hardcopy.One final thing that has to be included in any healthcare worker’s training is what to do if computers fail. No machine is completely reliable. Doctors, nurses and support workers alike still learn coping techniques if they have to return to things the old fashioned way.

How to Become Famous Online As a Small Business Owner


I’d run a mile if anyone ever offered me a system on how to become me famous offline but I am very happy to have my name, mug shot, articles and output plastered across 1000s upon 1000s of other people’s websites.Online fame promotes your produce and its ‘secrecy’ keeps you secure; becoming famous online is neither overt nor in-your-face recognition.No one is going to stop you in the street, ask for your autograph, pester you or text you with dumb messages.No one in your circle will ever know you are famous unless you tell them.Online fame is private recognition that has incredible power; the power to fulfil your ambitions and help your small business grow dynamically if you use it wisely.It is not difficult to achieve – when you know how – and you will know how by the time you have completed your first reading of this book. I say ‘first’ because you would do well to read it a second time or at least cherry pick some core chapters. As you are learning how to become famous online as a small business owner you will also be absorbing a whole host of strategies; essential strategies such as…How to capitalise on the amazing power of your own name…Turning your own name to your advantage online hinges on linking it to a series of pro-active measures in logical and progressive sequence; measures you will master as you travel through the pages of this manual. It won’t come easy; there is work to be done – but it will be worth it when you see your name up in virtual lights without spending a penny – and better still – when your name fame bounces back onto your small business operation.This technique is more powerful than you think.Your success will be multiplied many times over when your name is easily recognised and people in your particular marketplace feel they ‘know’ you. Similarly it becomes easier to network, make money, and receive privileges once your name gets around.It is the Law of Association at work.When you are well known, you must be ‘good’, and when you are famous, people will want to be around you because it makes them look good too.How to write articles that sizzle, trigger sales, and increase our fame…Let’s start where we mean to finish – at the top – and our first port of call is your own particular expertise. Linking that special knowledge to the amazing power of your name represents the second secret to becoming famous online…You are a walking compendium of learned life skills: work, hobbies, general interests, specialist interests, child bearing/raising/educating, and so on. The list is endless. In one of these areas you are an expert and the chances are high that your own special expertise lies in what you do for a living; your intellectual property; your small business operation.Write dynamic, high-quality articles tagged to your name; articles that will spread your fame online and trigger sales for your business. You will get the hang of it very quickly and when you do, you will be churning out one or two articles at a time, quite effortlessly.How to swamp the Web with your articles…You will learn how to swamp the Web with your articles and increase your online recognition at zero cost. What’s more I will provide you with my private list of the top 30 article submission centres; hubs that have my own articles circulating daily on tens of thousands of other people’s websites; hubs that will do just the same for your small business.How to increase your fame through the power of linking…Another clever zero cost way of getting your message across is through the power of linking to other sites; not any old sites, but sites specifically related to your topic. Take the trouble to sniff them out by undertaking some basic research.Try this out for size at the Google.com search engine: ‘your topic + websites’ and again ‘your topic + articles’ (replacing of course ‘your topic’ for your own particular topic).You will be presented with a myriad of potential linking partners but you won’t be linking to all of them because that would defeat the purpose: link only to those (100/500 maximum) that you sense relate most closely to your website content. Link to too many and the search engines won’t be happy.How to produce a newsletter that stands out a mile…When you start a start a newsletter focused on your small business operation you are embarking on a very exciting and rewarding venture – watching your online publication grow, trying out new tactics to attract subscribers, even making some money. It becomes addictive.How to get prospects queuing up in droves to subscribe…Driving subscriptions and enhancing the profile of your newsletter are core activities for success in online marketing. There are 500,000 other newsletters competing for the same subscribers so the better you become at chasing your goals, the faster you will succeed. Gaining momentum is the hardest part.How to give stuff away for free and galvanise your online fame…I set up a website offering $370 (approx. £200) worth of my own personally generated produce to every new subscriber to my newsletter. Did my experiment work? You bet it did. Within hours of submission of the URL this site rocketed to Rank No.17 out of 143,000,000 (yes, one hundred and forty-three million) competitive web pages with corresponding high rankings in all of the other major search engines.